Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


We recognize that the privacy of our customers or the handling of their personal information is an extremely important issue, and we have established the following standards for its handling, and are taking all possible measures to protect personal information.

Handling of personal information

We recognize that the privacy of our customers or the handling of their personal information is an extremely important issue, and we have established the following standards for its handling, and are taking all possible measures to protect personal information.


Personal information received through the inquiry form is managed strictly and appropriately by assigning a person responsible for management.


Personal information received through the inquiry form will be used only for that purpose, and will not be used for any purpose other than that purpose without the consent of the individual. Under no circumstances will we disclose or sell the personal information we have obtained to third parties.


If there is a request for disclosure or correction of the personal information held by our company from the person concerned, we will promptly respond to this after going through an appropriate identity verification procedure.


We will not respond to requests for disclosure of personal information from third parties other than the person himself/herself or their agent, except when due to mandatory procedures based on law.


Disclosure matters relating to shared use (related to Section 23 (4) of the Act)

We will jointly use personal data relating to transaction cases etc. to be acquired as follows.

  1. Scope of joint users:

    The Japan Federation of Real Estate Appraisers Association and its members, or the Prefectural Real Estate Appraisers Association and its members
  2. Items of personal data to be jointly used:

    Individual price formation such as property location, price, area, name of person involved in the transaction, width of the road it faces, etc., or regional price formation such as restrictions under public law or characteristics of the area where it is located
  3. Purpose of use:

    Appraisals, etc. services stipulated in section 2-2 of the Act on land price announcements, land price surveys, and other public evaluations and real estate appraisals
  4. Management Officer:

    Japan Federation of Real Estate Appraisers Associations and prefectural real estate appraisers associations that are members of the organization


We will comply with laws and regulations applicable to personal information owned by us, and will review and improve our efforts in each of the above sections as appropriate.


If you have any comments or questions regarding the handling of personal information,contact formMore please.